Brandy Hodgson
PH.D., M.Ed., P.C.C
Helping others discover the best in themselves and VentureForth - with courage and passion -to affect positive change and transformation within their teams and organizations
Live life, On-Purpose!
Based in Fort Collins, Colorado - we are grateful to partner with you locally, virtually, or nationally / internationally.
Professional Certified Coach – Specializing in leadership, self-actualization, fulfilment, relationships, embodied wellness, value alignment, navigating change, aligning with purpose. 20+ years of professional coaching experience including work with executives, senior leaders, and emerging talent
Leadership and Team Development Consultant / Facilitator- Building people and organizations through collaborative, multi-modal, integrated and engaging approaches; Identifying and leveraging individual and team strengths to maximize potential; Leading conversations to expand insight and learning transfer; Providing opportunities to learn, practice and apply critical team and leadership skill sets, including: effective and powerful communication, difficult conversations, creative problem solving, giving and receiving feedback, appropriate risk taking, negotiating conflict, setting and achieving goals, relationship and community building
Scholar / Researcher / Educator / Leader – Committed to staying curious and innovative while utilizing highly honed skills to create meaningful, relevant, and applicable learning and growth opportunities; Research focus includes: intrapersonal and interpersonal leadership skills, neuro-plasticity and neuro-diversity, whole human well-being, regenerative practices, transformation
We offer decades of life experience, wisdom, talent and spirit
Government / Corporate Consultancies - executive coaching, leadership development, high performing teams, emotional intelligence, feedback models, climate and culture development, diversity/equity/inclusion/social justice
University Classes / Seminars / Workshops - undergraduate and graduate level business management, leadership and team development, education, wellness, counseling
K-12 and Adult Education - health, science, leadership, wellness, clubs, camps, sports, Spanish, educational/adventure travel, service learning, personal growth
Challenge/ Adventure Programs - leadership, team development, personal growth, counseling/therapy/recovery, low and high ropes courses, raft guiding, international service and adventure based travel
Who we are is what we do…
We are playful children, sage warriors, and loving adventurers of the Universe
We develop meaningful relationships, build community, create shared experiences and evocative learning adventures
We are truth seekers and speakers, meaning makers and co-creators; teachers, leaders, healers. We are connoisseurs of life, and general magic makers. We are children, parents, siblings, partners, friends, community members, global citizens, and humanitarians.
We pursue our passions and talents in service of the needs of our world. We believe we are all more powerful and closest to our potential when we live in the nexus of our passions, talents, and the world’s greatest needs.
We use our hands and hearts to create, craft, and construct our full lifestyle—and offer our experience, wisdom, and spirit in service of whole, aligned lives for those with whom we partner.
We connect, serve, and do life-affirming work in the world. We specialize in partnering with others in service of professional development, healing, self-actualization, and transformation.
We have adventured the earth, in its minute details and expanses. We have explored the inner worlds of learners, teams, those struggling, and those thriving. Our curiosity and care for our world and co-habitants is unbounded.
It is a challenge to put us ‘in a box’— we don’t wish to be contained! In fact, we aspire to un-contain, de-label, non-judge, and un-box ourselves and others. We are whole humans who cannot be defined by, and are much more than the sum of, our parts
Life is precious to us. So we are mindful of where and with whom we invest our time. We are deeply committed to living lives of purpose and passion and know that we can be even more powerful and purposeful when aligned with other like-minded spirits.
We look forward to co-creating a powerful partnership with you!
Venture Forth, On-Purpose!
People are naturally whole, creative, and resourceful.
Relationships matter. How we treat, honor, and build these relationships is foundational.
Intra and interpersonal skills are necessary to evolve as individuals and to build communities.
We are all connected; to ourselves, to one another, and to our planet.
Nature is not separate from us. We are fully part of, and fully interdependent with, nature. We must practice living integrated, aligned, sustainably and responsibly.
We each are on our own unique path as humans, and we need to accept, allow, forgive, grow, and most importantly love one another and ourselves.
Our aim is to provide value through life-affirming transformative work in the world.
We strive to coach, lead, instruct, partner and live in alignment with our values
integrity, authenticity, heart-centric, aligned, emotional range, resonance, well-being
courage, growth, transformation, creativity, play, discovery, healing, nature, regeneration
community, relationships, co-creation, engagement, nature, sustainability
unconditional positive regard, heart centricity, compassion, love, kindness, service
purposeful, intentional, life-affirming, regenerative, loving, in flow, energized, engaged
Credentials & Experience
Colorado State University
Interdisciplinary Program: Holistic Approaches to Leadership and Team Development
Qualitative and quantitative scholar researcher – design, data collection and analysis, evaluation
Dissertation: Experiential Approaches to Personal Transformation
Women’s Studies Interdisciplinary Program Graduate Certificate
Colorado State University
Thesis Focus:
Adult Learning
Experiential Education
Leadership Development
Co-Active Training Institute – Coaching Education (104 hours) & Leadership Development (182 hours)
International Coaching Foundation - Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
Coaches Rising – Neuroscience of Change (20 hours)
Project Promise, Colorado State University
Brain-science, relationship and community development, curriculum design and implementiation
Colorado State University
Cum Laude Graduate; Pre-Medica Officer; Women’s Rugby Club Co-President
Study Abroad: Belize, Central America; Spanish proficient
Guiding individuals to identify passions, set and accomplish goals, enhance wellness and quality of life, build wellness, resiliency, and strategies for balance and interdependence
Team and organization development including future focused vision, mission, values identification and alignment, intrapersonal and interpersonal skill development
Education and accountability focused; trainings based on personal skills and leadership, effective communication, relationship development, conflict resolution, and accountability models for success
Trained and practiced in debriefing and coaching through multiple leadership assessments including: FIRO-B, EQ-I, Insights, StrengthsFinder, LPI 360
Creating relevant, engaging curriculum employing experiential learning principles and effective communication skills for diverse populations, ages, learning styles, and abilities
Developing, analyzing, and evaluating extensive, varied programs for adult learners focused on professional development, leadership, and high performing teams
Designing and implementing programs committed to positive organizational culture and employee wellness with a focus on capacity building and behavioral change
Program development focused on needs assessments, client care, and evaluations for future growth
Creating models for training and development, including mentoring, coaching, formal and informal evaluations, and ongoing professional development
Qualitative methodologist
Creating programs for cultivating human potential and transformation
Facilitating holistic, interdisciplinary, experiential programs that allow for strengthening multiple leadership skills such as cooperative and creative problem solving, emotional intelligence and trust building, effective communication, personal courage development and appropriate risk-taking
Deep belief and focus on values of diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice and restorative practices
Partial List of Clients / Partners:
Center for Sports Psychology – Department of Treasury Senior Manager Training, Leadership Foundation Program
U.S. Office of Personnel Management – Open enrollment courses
Pilgrim’s –Executive team development workshop, Annual Meeting Keynote, Executive coaching engagement
Outward Bound Professional – EGLNG, Harvard Business School, Crowe, Boston Consulting Group
The Nature Place –Daniels School of Business
Colorado State University
Global Works - Human Resources Manager, Staff Training, Group Leader
Design and facilitate experiential, learner focused personal growth, executive leadership development, and high-performing- team development programs
Challenge people and teams to maximize personal potential and transfer learning to life
Manage diverse client populations including corporate, therapeutic, recovery, educational, play
Plan, facilitate, and implement programs based on client needs assessments
Creativity, empowerment, and innovation focused
High level communication and interpersonal skill development
Hiring, training, mentoring, and developing staff
Needs assessment & evaluation of program efficacy – qualitative and quantitative methodologies
Management & Leadership Development
Building and Leading High Performing Teams
Individual and Group Counseling
Teacher preparation - curriculum development, classroom dynamics / behavior, instructional excellence
Poudre School District
Eagle Rock School and Professional Development Center
Community Learning Center - Adult Beginning Spanish
University of Colorado Science Camp
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
White Water Raft Guide & Trip Leader
International Travel Guide - Service Learning, Adventure, Cultural/ Language Immersion
Challenge Ropes Course Facilitator
Managed "The Wellness Zone” - space and activity scheduling for all stakeholders in a campus community. Managed student staff and coordinated with faculty and other providers of wellness activities