
Igniting Potential / Evoking Transformation

Life, on-purpose

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, they find it attached to the rest of the world.”


I serve as a trusted guide and fierce ally on your quest to find and connect with your inner-leader

We all have the answers we need to lead our lives in line with our own values and purpose.

And, we can’t always do it alone.

I specialize in partnering with others in service of self-actualization, high performing team development, and transformation.

I do this via meaningful engagements and trainings, sharing research based and experience tested ideas and tools, building community through shared experiences and evocative learning adventures, and living my own life On-Purpose.

Venture forth to live your most authentic and empowered life, personally and professionally, On-Purpose


A leader is anyone interacting with others to impact the world in alignment with our vision, mission, and values.

We work under the premise that we are all leaders – the question is: How consciously are we leading our own lives?

We are all Leaders

There is no wellness without wholeness. We can become dis-integrated when we live our lives as separate personas—the professional, partner, parent, friend, community member.

Coaching can help use remember and re-member all parts of us, and align them to help us live a more whole, integrated, intentional life.

Wellness Through Wholeness

Life is a series of transitions – change is constant and inevitable.

Changes like beginning or ending a job, significant relationship, losing loved ones or our own health or livelihood are not often easy. They can be challenging to the point of disruption, shaking us to our core.

Our movement through these transitions can determine where we end up.

We walk with you as you face change and transition with intention. Aligned to your values, you can move through it to a place of transformation.

Transitions & Transformations

Our invitation is to live each day, each moment, intentionally. Countless people go about their daily lives unintentionally - in a blur of habit, routine, status quo. This results in unintended consequences. We may say, “We didn’t mean it. It was an accident!”

If we want results, changes, transformations - we must move toward them with intention.

Instead of living “On-Accident”, we are now more fully living On-Purpose!
